Insurance Coverage for Yoga: Outside the Box

Other Sources
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Living with Cancer - Patient Yoga
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Yoga May Also Calm a Dangerous Irregular Heartbeat - Bloomberg Businessweek, April 4, 2011
Yoga and Pilates may help ease some symptoms of multiple sclerosis - Los Angeles Times, May 1, 2011
Why Every Boomer Should Try Yoga - Fox Business, May 5, 2011
Doctors Prescribing Meditation, Yoga More Often - US News Health, May 12, 2011
In April of 2010 Dea was certified at LEVEL ONE in BioSomatics, which is a form of Neuromuscular Movement Education. With 62 contact training hours in Somatics, she is now offering this work as an integrated part of both yoga classes and private therapy sessions. Biosomatic movement re-education is very effective in relieving pain from both repetitive use and traumatic injuries. Dea is excited about having this certification and will be studying to move up to the next level in 2011.